Paving Promises: Council’s Active Travel Commitments Dodging Potholes

B&NES Greens remain concerned about ongoing safety hazards on North Road, which continue to endanger cyclists, especially children commuting to school and university. Despite promises from B&NES Council, the road is still neglected, with deep potholes creating hazardous conditions.

The council has allocated a £3.6 million resurfacing budget for this year, covering 38 separate roads. While some of these, including North Road, have been scheduled around the school summer holidays to limit traffic disruption, the repeated delays and inaction on North Road are unacceptable. The council’s procrastination ignores the urgent need for safer roads for students cycling to Ralph Allen School and the University of Bath. This persistent postponement not only contradicts their commitment to active travel but also endangers vulnerable road users, showing a disregard for road safety.

Green Councillor Saskia Heijltjes adds, 

“In December 2023, a severe accident on North Road resulted in serious facial injuries to a cyclist, underscoring the urgent need to prioritise road safety and reduce pressures on local healthcare services. When a local parent queried Council Leader Cllr Kevin Guy about the timing of the resurfacing, he suggested that closing the route in term time would be impractical. Delaying resurfacing until the summer holidays prioritises driver convenience over the safety of vulnerable road users, which goes against the council’s commitment to promoting active travel.”

Despite repeated calls for urgent action from local parents, the Bicycle Mayor of Bath, and the Greens, the council has failed to provide clarity on when North Road was last resurfaced or when necessary repairs will be made. Historic asset information reveals that apart from a micro asphalt surface treatment in 2001 on a section of North Road in Bathwick, there are no other records indicating when the road was last resurfaced.

Green Party Leader, Councillor Joanna Wright, a former Cabinet Member for Transport, reiterated the group’s longstanding advocacy for immediate improvements to North Road’s active travel infrastructure and road safety: 

“We have consistently advocated for immediate improvements to North Road’s active travel infrastructure and road safety. The council’s inaction jeopardises the safety of our community.”

The Greens call on B&NES Council to prioritise the resurfacing of North Road without further delay. The safety of all residents, especially children cycling to school, must be ensured as a matter of urgency.

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