
Dear Wera Hobhouse, MP,

I am writing to you about the failure of the Right to Buy scheme and am asking that you please sign this parliamentary motion calling for it to be abolished. 

This matter is important to me because I have seen first-hand in our constituency the impacts of the current housing crisis, a crisis which the Right to Buy has significantly contributed to. 

Social housing was intended as a collective resource to ensure that everyone, no matter their financial situation, was afforded their universal human right to shelter. Now 40% of the social housing sold off via Right to Buy ends up in the hands of private landlords who profit off of this public asset. 

Two million council homes in England have been sold off to private individuals since the inception of the Right to Buy. This has significantly depleted our already limited social housing stock, while the government fails to build enough council homes to replace those we have lost. 

Selling off homes which are intended to house those most in need has led to immense levels of housing inequality and housing shortages for people on low incomes. Consequently, we are now seeing record rates of children living in temporary accommodation and over 300,000 people homeless in England at this very moment. 

I am sure that ensuring every person in this country has a safe, warm and affordable home is important to you. 

Scotland and Wales have already welcomed the abolishment of the Right to Buy in acknowledgement of the scheme’s failings. It is only right that we now do the same here in England. 

I am asking you to please sign this parliamentary motion which calls to abolish the Right to Buy. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Joanna Wright


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